Friday, April 20, 2007

April 19 Day of Frustration and Beauty

This is really me outside my box of comfort and security. Both my credit cards were blocked today - no phone had to get a phone to call banks none of this is easy. I think its okay and I really dont know. Went to the hotel to pay my bill for the apartment and really difficult to find the place tho I did. I took off for Piazza San Marco - that was something and finally got to a museum Correr and Basilico both in San Marco- I especially enjoyed Basilico and the mosaics and this magnificent Pala dOro piece done many centuries ago and the wonderful Gilded Four Horses. I mean this place is marvelous.
I wanted to add photo to this and cant do it.
You know life outside the box is when we are really challenged
Also I had this thought there that it doesnt matter what or how much you have - it doesnt mean you are free. I felt free today dealing with Chase and BofA about my card access. Not that I equate Freedom with Travel - its about being able allowing yourself to live your own life and having movement and flow. Sometimes I do and not always
Then after walking from Piazza along Grand Canal I was returning here and got lost - that was okay - i knew I would find my way. I have this belief here that the help I need will come when I need it and it does but not magic. I have to continually step out...

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