Thursday, May 24, 2007

Ponte Bridge from Venice to San Francisco
My Italy photos are on photobucket until I put them also on Flickr. I am completing the Judy Here in Venice blog since Im not there. I am here. Starting new blog
I learned lot about travel and I will start the blog about what people should know who travel out of country simply with 1- 2 Stars not 4 star version which is like you never left home.
I got my last box from Poste Italiano. I made the transition back quite well. In some ways I am glad to be home maybe 70%. You need something Special to adjust to any transition. For me its return to SF Bay Club - swim and weights and the challenge of rebuilding my strength.
I decided to study Italian and return in 08 probably would stay in Florence for few months.
I planted the seeds I got in Florence - lavendar, basil, mint and only lavender is growing.
I put my photos into three small albums I carry and Im doing one of my collage boxes on Italy. Thats become my artistic expression. Also brought in Rothko Sacrifice poster from Peggy Guggenheim place for frame - that is a marvelous painting. I honestly think I miss most Peggy Guggenheim museum collection.
Something I read in book by John Berendt - City of Falling Angels on Venice that its city of magic, mystery and ?
What a marvelous experience and I do believe some of what I do know will come from there like a source. My work is merely a path and that is the most obvious benefit from Venice. Nothing that happens there or doesnt happen has any impact on me and my well being. Its so irrelevant.
I think I will close very soon this blog. I just realized about the seeds - thats what I brought home seeds not just basil, lavender, mint - seeds its too early to tell what will grow. I am very happy about the gifts I gave to people from there.

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